About This Website

This website was created because we saw the need for an easily accessible and user friendly way to answer the question, what is in season right now? Something that can be quickly referenced by glancing down at your phone while shopping at the grocery store. A site that you check before you plan your meals for the week. A site that show’s off the beauty of nature, food, photography and balance. This information is already widely available, but we aim to make it as accessible and accurate as possible. Thank you for your interest and if you have questions, comments, or would like to become involved please feel free to contact us: [email protected].

Eat Seasonally Spinach

Why Eat What’s In Season?

Eating seasonally has many benefits. It is actually the way that humans have eaten for most of our history. When you choose to buy seasonal produce you are not only doing something good for yourself, you might even be helping to make the world a better place. How can such a small decision make such a big impact? Lets take a look at some of the reasons to eat seasonally.

Eating seasonally means you are getting the highest quality foods available. This is because when you buy produce that is in season it is typically fresher and at its’ peak flavor. Juicy citrus in the winter, crisp apples in the fall, rich leafy greens in the late spring and early summer; they are all examples eating food that is in season. Chefs know this and that’s why many of the best restaurants in the world feature an element of seasonality. Not only is food that is in season fresher and more flavorful, it is better for you because it typically carries a higher nutritional value.

You are reducing your Carbon footprint when you choose buy food that is in season. Food does not need to travel as far when it is grown domestically and available locally. It is not always easy to know where your food is coming from, but when you buy items that are in season you have a much better chance of getting a product that came from your region of the world. In short, buying seasonally is an easy way to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly food choices.

This also contributes to the next reason: It saves you money. It is cheaper to buy seasonally because of availability. Things that are not in season but still available are inevitably more expensive. They have to travel further and undergo more processing and preservation, raising the cost, and often lowering the quality. Some items that are prohibitively expensive for much of the year drop to their lowest prices (and best quality) when they are in season!

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